Case Study

Next-Gen Firewall

Project Drivers

  • Outdated Juniper firewall technology was End-of-Life
  • No robust firewalls protecting the client’s Internet Edge
  • Firewalls were legacy Layer 3/4 architecture
  • Malware and intrusion threats
  • Multiple methods of protection required (i.e. Juniper firewall and Websense URL Filtering)

Solution Components

  • Palo Alto Security Infrastructure consisting of the following:
    • Panorama Virtual Machine (VM) (Centralized Management server)
    • Two PA-3020 firewalls in a High Availability (HA) pair for the Internet
    • Two PA-3020 firewalls in a High Availability (HA) pair for the Extranet (customer-facing applications)
    • Panorama


  • The solution addressed the client’s requirements for having a Next-Gen firewall, threat protection, URL filtering, User-ID, and centralized management
  • The solution provided a more robust security platform for the organization that folded two platforms (firewall and URL filtering) into one and provided the client with meaningful reporting
  • The solution transformed the client into a more secure business from a cyber threat response perspective

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